Archive for Insurance

How’s Your Insurance Company Doing?

Posted in Insurance with tags on February 18, 2009 by Vicky

carState insurance departments keep records of complaints against insurers. You can access this information through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Consumer Information Source.

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A What If’s “True” Cost

Posted in Insurance, Personal Finance with tags on April 12, 2008 by Vicky

Yes! you’ve done all of the right things; you’ve paid off your car, you have the proper automobile insurance coverage with a reputable company for the past 16 years, you’ve kept your car maintained in its most optimal condition, and you have an excellent driving record. But, WHAM! You didn’t even see it coming. You and your 3-month-old newborn, strapped in the back seat, were pan-caked between two much larger and heavier vehicles. Even though your car was 10 years old, its integrity saved both of your lives.

Well, that’s what happened to my friend. Their car had absorbed all of the brutal forces of this dual impact; it was totaled in the process. If they weren’t riding in that old clunker, the story could have been much different—serious or permanent injuries and even possibly death based upon the height of the grill of the heavy-duty truck that smashed into their trunk and continued to push them into the SUV tailgate’s bumper that crumpled their car’s front end. As tragic as this accident was, our discussion is about something even more horrific—that’s whether or not my friend had adequate income replacement or life insurance at that very moment of impact.

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