Archive for Financial Planning

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

Posted in Debt, Financial Planning, Personal Finance, Retirement with tags , , , , on February 19, 2009 by Vicky

Last week I got a chance to watch, for the 5th or 6th time that is, the 1994 inspirational movie, Rudy, and couldn’t help but notice the parallels in this fact-filled story with the lives of millions of hard-working Americans going through some tough financial times right now.

For those not familiar with the story here’s a quick background. Daniel E. “Rudy” Ruettiger, has dreamed of playing college football for Notre Dame but there are some obstacles standing in his way. He’s a little guy, slightly over five feet tall, weighing just over 100 pounds. He has very little money, and is required to work his way through school. He has poor grades, dyslexia, and if that’s not enough, his family and friends ridicule his dream of playing football. He has to enroll in a nearby Junior College for 2 years before being accepted at Notre Dame. He qualifies for the football prep team, which is a squad that only plays against the regular team players at practice, and is basically a practice dummy getting beat up and bloodied playing against much larger guys.  He gives it all he’s got and initially other team members become annoyed with him but eventually wins their admiration because of his spirit of inspiration. He almost quits his dream but sticks with it.

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Welcome Home!

Posted in Financial Planning, Personal Finance with tags , , on February 5, 2009 by Vicky


I’m Vicky Samuel, founder of Safe Harbor Financial Solutions, LLC and its’ Resource Center website, is a one-stop resource for financially fortifying your personal wealth. I have enlisted today’s technology to disseminate current information to help you stay informed about personal financial planning topics and how your own financial goals can still be achieved through both calm and turbulent financial waters. After each visit, it is my hope that you will become increasingly empowered with a new perspective on personal financial planning as it relates to your goals and financial success.

Welcome Home! with Vicky Samuel: The Blog, is my personal journal of experiences with financial planning but mostly with its’ impact on our lives, families and friends.

I look forward to sharing ideas, facilitating and hearing from you as we all face daily experiences relating to personal financial planning. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will join in as a community as we share a common goal.

Welcome Home!